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Pay Rate & Recruitment

These are some of the opportunities we offer our educators at the South Bend Community School Corporation (SBCSC):

  • Compensation for first-year teachers in our corporation is $46,000, among the highest of any district in our county.

We also ensure our teachers are supported by coaches, mentors for all new teachers, and a professional learning community. Because we value the personal and professional growth of our teachers, we make the pursuit of National Board certification as easy as possible by covering all associated costs as well as a generous stipend for achieving certification.

SBCSC Substitute Pay

High School Graduate - 30 college credit hours


Long term HS Student - 30 college credit hours (less than 60)


Degreed Substitute


Degreed Substitute Long Term (less than 60)


Building Substitute


Premium Substitute


Retired Teacher


Long Term (more than 60 days)

Teacher Daily Rate

Substitute Paraprofessional
