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What is IREAD?

The Indiana Reading Evaluation and Determination, or IREAD, is a state required assessment used to evaluate whether students are able to read by the end of 3rd grade, focusing on word reading, vocabulary, and basic comprehension of reading passages.

Starting with the 24-25 school year, state law requires students who do not pass IREAD by the end of grade three to be retained in 3rd grade with limited exceptions for some special education and English language learners.

What kind of test is IREAD?

IREAD is a multiple choice test. Students are required to choose the correct answer from a list of possible choices. Some items require students to listen to a prompt using headphones. No written or verbal responses are required.

The test is divided into three segments which are usually spread over 2-3 days. The test is untimed, so students can progress at their own pace. On average, each segment takes about 30 minutes for most students.

All students are also required to take a practice test in order to become familiar with the test system and question types.

What skills are tested on IREAD?

The 3 segments of IREAD test the following skills:

  • Foundations and Vocabulary (Word Recognition, Fluency, and Vocabulary Development): Questions may include identifying beginning, middle, and ending sounds, identifying synonyms, antonyms, homographs, suffixes, and using context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words in a text.
  • Nonfiction (Comprehension and Analysis of Nonfiction and Informational Text): Questions may include comparing and responding to grade-level informational text by making connections and/or predictions while reading, and identifying important information within text (e.g., problem and solution, cause and effect, main idea).
  • Literature (Comprehension and Analysis of Literary Text): Questions may include comparing and responding to grade-level literary text by recalling and/or describing story elements (e.g., plot, character traits and development, problem and solution), and identifying the theme and narrator of different literary genres.

Can I see examples of test questions?

Yes, you can! IDOE provides a Released Items Repository (RIR) for this purpose. 

  • Go to the IDOE RIR site linked here.
  • Leave the Guest User and Guest Session toggles on, and click the green Sign In button.
  • On the next screen, choose Grade 3
  • Select “Released Items for IREAD-3” and walk through the setup and volume check.
  • Click “Begin Test Now” to walk through the sample items.


What is the passing score for IREAD?

Students must score 446 or above to pass IREAD. The passing score is the same for all grade levels, including 2nd grade. Scores for 3rd grade and beyond are reported as Did Not Pass or Pass based on the cut score of 446.

2nd grade students’ scores will be reported as At Risk (200-404), On Track (405-445), or Pass (446+). 

You can read more about these score levels in this IDOE IREAD Performance Level Descriptors Document.

You can see sample IREAD reports here:


When is IREAD given?

The state set test window is in early March each year. For 24-25, the test window runs from March 3-14. All students will take a practice test about a week before testing in order to become familiar with the test system.

The Summer Retest Window runs from mid May through late June for students to have a second chance at passing after receiving further instruction, or for students who did not participate in the March test.


Who must take the IREAD test?

All 2nd grade students will take IREAD in March. If they pass during 2nd grade, they do not need to participate in any future IREAD tests.

All 3rd graders enrolled in any accredited Indiana school during either the spring or summer test window (who did not pass in 2nd grade) must participate. This includes students receiving special education* as well as English language learners.

Students who do not pass must continue to take IREAD during each spring and summer testing opportunity until they achieve a passing score through the end of 6th grade, beginning with results from the spring/summer 2025 tests.

*Except students on certificate track whose IEP indicates they will take alternate assessments (I AM).


Why are 2nd graders required to take IREAD?

For many years, IREAD was a test for 3rd graders. Most of the skills tested are meant to be mastered by the end of third grade, but they are a culmination of skills learned starting in Kindergarten.

A few years ago, the state allowed school districts to opt-in to 2nd grade participation. In 24-25, all Indiana 2nd graders will participate. This serves a few purposes:

  • Students can get a trial run at the same test they must pass by the end of 3rd grade in a lower pressure environment.
  • Students who have mastered these reading skills can demonstrate their proficiency and take one less test in 3rd grade.
  • Educators can gather data to help pinpoint the skills each student needs to strengthen in order to be successful and likely to pass IREAD in 3rd grade. 


What happens if my 2nd grader does not pass IREAD?

Second graders do not need to pass IREAD in order to be promoted to 3rd grade. In fact, 2nd graders who score below 446 are not reported as “Did Not Pass” but are instead reported this way:

  • On Track - Students scoring “on track” are meeting current foundational reading expectations and are expected to pass IREAD-3 in third grade. No additional remediation is necessary before they test in third grade.
  • At Risk - Students scoring “at risk” are not meeting current foundational reading expectations and are not predicted to pass IREAD-3 in third grade. These students will receive additional reading support, will be offered summer program opportunities, and will retake the test in third grade.

2nd graders are not eligible for Good Cause Exemptions (GCEs). Most 2nd graders will not participate in the summer retest due to the need for more instruction than is reasonable in those short months between test windows.


What happens if my 3rd grader does not pass IREAD?

Beginning with the 2024-25 school year, third grade students must pass IREAD by the end of third grade (including the summer retest) to be promoted to fourth grade unless they qualify for an exemption, as required by state law.

If a student doesn’t pass the summer retest and...

  • Qualifies for one of the exemptions below, they will be promoted to fourth grade but must continue retesting until they pass or complete sixth grade.
  • Does not qualify for an exemption, they will repeat third grade to continue improving their reading skills and will retake IREAD-3 until they pass. Even if a student does not pass IREAD-3 after repeating third grade, they will still move on to fourth grade. However, they will continue retaking IREAD-3 each year until they either pass or finish sixth grade.
  • Third grade students must participate in IREAD. Indiana law does not allow for opting out of required assessments. Students who do not participate are subject to repeating 3rd grade.


What exemptions are available for students who do not pass IREAD?

Beginning with the 24-25 school year, students who qualify for a Good Cause Exemption (GCE) as detailed below may move on to 4th grade even if they do not pass IREAD.

  • The student has an intellectual disability or the student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) specifies that retention is not appropriate, as determined by the case conference committee
  • The student is identified as an English Learner and has received services for fewer than two years, with the ILP committee determining that promotion is appropriate.
  • The student passes the ILEARN Math assessment
  • The student has been retained twice in Kindergarten through 2nd grade and has received intensive intervention for at least two years.
  • The student has already been retained once in third grade.

Granting a GCE only exempts a student from being retained in 3rd grade. Students must continue to take IREAD each spring and summer until they pass or reach the end of 6th grade. This is a change from past GCE rules.


How can I help my student prepare for IREAD?

  • Read with your child and encourage them to read independently. Ask them questions about what they are reading.
  • Encourage your child to take their time when testing and do their best even if some questions seem tricky or passages seem long.
  • Make sure your child has a good night’s rest and a good breakfast on test days.


Have more questions?

  • Take a look at this IDOE IREAD FAQ document for even more details about IREAD.
  • Reach out to your child’s school for specific questions about your child’s past scores, progress, or needs

Official IREAD Website