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Public Records Request


To request public records, you must fill out an Access to Public Records Request form (click here for the downloadable form) and submit to the SBCSC Legal Counsel. Oral requests for records must be converted to the written form. If you have prepared a written request on your own, it can be attached to the SBCSC form, and you should then complete the top portion of the SBCSC form.

Not every request for records can be granted. Some information is not disclosable under law. Also, a public record request means that something must exist -- it does not cover future records, nor is it a means to obtain answers to questions. The South Bend Community School Corporation is not obligated to create a public record to answer your inquiry.

Steps for Acquiring a Public Record

1. Fill out the Access to Public Records Form.

2. Submit the form to the SBCSC Legal Counsel Office, 737 Beale St., South Bend, IN 46616, either in person, by mail or fax to: 574-283-8143.

3. After your request is submitted:

  • You will receive a note from the Legal Counsel acknowledging your request.
  • The Legal Department will determine if the records requested are disclosable.
  • Not all requests can be granted -- some information is not disclosable under law.
  • Document fees are due when the document is picked up (rate of $.10 per page).