Information Technology (IT)
Chromebook Initiative
Chromebook Initiative
TELEPHONE (574) 393-6000
Team South Bend is excited to share that students will receive Chromebooks this Fall! We look forward to instructing our students in 21st century skills such as Character, Citizenship, Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, and Critical Thinking through the use of web tools and the HP 11” G6 Chromebook Education Edition. A chromebook is an internet capable computer integrated with the Google Suite for Education. The chromebook will connect to the internet at school using wifi. While at home they will be able to connect to the internet as well as work offline on assignments, if internet is unavailable.
Kindergarten and first Grade students will have access to a shared cart of 30 chromebooks, second to fifth grade will have a cart of 30 chromebooks in each classroom, and sixth through twelfth grade students will receive a take home chromebook, which will be transported from home to school each day. Students will be responsible for charging the chromebook at home each night and to bring it to school fully charged.
Internet Filtering will be provided both in school and at home utilizing LightSpeed Relay. South Bend Schools also received approximately 500 devices with internet capability to be distributed to High School students to enable home access. These devices will enable the student to connect their chromebook to wifi and then the internet using Sprint’s cellular network. Applications can be submitted to Internet is also available for family purchase through AT&T Access ( and Comcast Internet Essentials ( programs at about $10 per month.
Before students can receive a Chromebook, a parent or guardian must complete the Chromebook agreement which can be found at
As our students prepare to enter the world of technology they will be instructed on Digital Citizenship utilizing curriculum from Common Sense Media. Teachers will guide students through activities designed to prepare students in making good decisions related to appropriate sharing, cyberbullying, working online safely, digital footprints, and representing themselves appropriately online. Additional Parent Resources are available at to guide families through home discussions around technology.
We look forward to supporting your families education as we move to integrate technology into the classroom.
Team South Bend
Technology Handbook
Technology Handbook for Students and Parents
Table of Contents
G Suite for Education Notice to Parents and Guardians
What personal information does Google collect?
How does Google use this information?
Does Google use student personal information for users in K-12 schools to target advertising?
Can my child share information with others using the G Suite for Education account?
Will Google disclose my child’s personal information?
What if I have more questions or would like to read further?
K-5 SBCSC Student Account Access Profile:
6-8 SBCSC Student Account Access Profile:
9-12 SBCSC Student Account Access Profile:
Updates to Technology Handbook
About 1:1
1:1 (One to One) is an initiative to provide every student access to a device that enables teachers and students to transform their instruction and learning. Students will be empowered to be creators, producers and evaluators of knowledge rather than purely consumers through 21st century learning skills such as: Citizenship, Character, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, and Critical Thinking.
South Bend Community School Corporation’s (SBCSC) goals for 1:1 are:
- Increase student engagement
- Expand the learning beyond the classroom into the community through collaboration and communication
- Utilize open educational resources
The South Bend Community School Corporation network, software, and hardware are intended for educational purposes and may be used by students in and out of school to conduct school work.
Chromebook Distribution
- Chromebooks are assigned to the student similar to how a textbook is assigned and will be distributed at the beginning of the school year.
- Only the student to whom the Chromebook has been assigned may use the Chromebook.
- Parents/guardians may access the Chromebook for the purposes of monitoring student use.
- Parents/guardians must read Technology Handbook as well as the Acceptable Use and Safety Policy and sign a Chromebook agreement before the device will be issued.
- Ownership: SBCSC retains sole right of possession of the school provided device and grants permission to the student to use the school provided device according to the guidelines set forth in this document. Moreover, SBCSC administrative staff retains the right to collect and/or inspect the school provided device at any time, including via electronic remote access; and to alter, add or delete installed software or hardware.
- Equipment Provided: SBCSC will retain records of the serial numbers of provided equipment. Beginning with the 2018-19 school year students in grades 6-12 will be provided with:
- HP Chromebook 11 G6 Education Edition
- Always-on HP case
- USB C charging cable
- Responsibility for Electronic Data: It is the sole responsibility of the student to backup indispensable data as necessary. SBCSC does not accept responsibility for any such files or software.
- Responsibility for Installed Software: The Student may not install or uninstall any software to the school provided device without prior approval from the Technology Staff. Operating system and application updates will be installed from a central location.
Return of Device
The school provided device, case, and power cord distributed to the student must be returned at the time of withdrawal or graduation from South Bend Community School Corporation. The parent/guardian will be held responsible for payment in full should the device not be returned. Failure to return all equipment when requested will result in a theft report being filed with local law enforcement.
Device Care
Students are responsible for providing basic care of the Chromebook. Lost, stolen, or broken devices must be promptly reported to their principal or principal’s designee in each school. Devices will be available on a limited basis for student checkout through the library for students that have forgotten their device or whose device is out for repair.
- No food or drink is allowed next to your Chromebook.
- Cords, cables, and removable storage devices must be inserted with care.
- Remove any items on the keyboard before closing the Chromebook to prevent screen damage.
- Do NOT touch/poke the screen.
- Clean the screen with a soft, dry cloth. Do NOT use window cleaner, liquid, or water on the Chromebook.
- Carry the Chromebook with the lid closed and use both hands.
- Do NOT leave the Chromebook in a vehicle in extreme temperature.
- Keep the Chromebook in the provided case (Take Home Devices Grades 6-12).
- Charge the Chromebook every night (Take Home Devices Grades 6-12).
- Do NOT bring the charger back and forth from home to school. Keep the Chromebook charger at home (Take Home Devices Grades 6-12).
- Return the Chromebook to the cart and plug it in when not in use (Grades K-5).
- Do NOT share your account/login or passwords.
- Do NOT take the Chromebook into restrooms or cafeterias.
- Failure to bring the Chromebook to class will NOT exempt students from assigned classwork.
- Use of the Chromebook during class is determined by the classroom teacher. When it is not in use, the teacher may ask students to close the Chromebook.
- Applications, extensions and other software will be managed by the Technology Department. Students shall not install extensions or applications.
- Operating system updates are automatically applied through the network.
- Do NOT leave your Chromebook unattended.
- Chromebooks should be secured in the locker. Do not share your locker combination.
- Do not store the Chromebook in a vehicle.
- Never leave the Chromebook unattended in the cafeteria, unlocked classrooms, library, locker rooms, hallways, bathrooms, bus, or any other unsecured locations.
Managing Files
All documents are stored on the student’s Google account, which can be accessed by browsing to Students are responsible for saving and backing up data.
At the end of a students career at SBCSC, files can be downloaded or transitioned to a personal Google account by using
Damage or Loss of Equipment
- Responsibility for Damage: SBCSC reserves the right to charge the Student and/or Parent(s)/Guardian(s) the full cost for repair or replacement when damage occurs in accordance with the Care of Property Policy (Board policy and Administrative Guidelines 5513, which are available here and may be amended from time to time:
- Responsibility for Loss: In the event the school provided device is lost or stolen, the Student and/or Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will be billed the full cost of replacement in accordance with the Care of Property Policy (Board policy and Administrative Guidelines 5513, which are available here and may be amended from time to time:
- Actions Required in the Event of Damage or Loss: Report the problem immediately to the principal. In the case of damage or loss, a helpdesk ticket will be completed by the principal or designee. If the school provided device is stolen or vandalized while not at SBCSC or at an SBCSC sponsored event, the parent/guardian shall file a police report and provide a copy of the report to the principal.
- Substitution of Equipment: In the event the school provided device is inoperable, SBCSC has a limited number of spares for use while the school provided device is repaired or replaced. This agreement remains in effect for each substitute device. The Student may NOT opt to keep a school provided device or avoid using the school provided device due to loss or damage.
- Inventory Control: In the event of device collection, every effort will be made to assign students the same inventory number identified device each year.
Technical Support and Repair
SBCSC will provide maintenance and repair during school hours. Any teacher may complete a helpdesk ticket on behalf of a student. Any attempt to repair outside of SBCSC may result in the student and parent being charged the full replacement cost.
The table below reflects current pricing for replacement parts. Final cost of damage will be determined at the time of repair, subject to increase based upon replacement current part market cost.
HP Chromebook 11 G6 EE |
Cost |
Screen |
$50.00 |
Replacement Charger |
$25.00 |
Keyboard and trackpad |
$100.00 |
HP Soft Case |
$25.00 |
Full Replacement |
$250.00 |
Manufacturer’s Warranty
The manufacturer warrants the devices from defects in materials and workmanship and the school will take responsibility for issues related to defects in materials and workmanship. This limited warranty covers normal use, mechanical breakdown, or faulty construction and will provide replacement parts necessary to repair the device. The manufacturer warranty DOES NOT warrant against damage caused by misuse, abuse, or accidents. Please report all Chromebook/Device problems to a teacher and the helpdesk immediately.
The school provided devices are equipped with filtering software that is compliant with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). District staff will have the capability to monitor computer usage while on and off school network. Student internet history will be logged and may be reviewed by SBCSC staff. While CIPA compliant filtering is provided on school provided devices, parents are ultimately responsible for monitoring student access to the internet away from school. SBCSC is not responsible for any financial obligations incurred through the student’s use of the equipment to access the internet.
Acceptable Use
The South Bend Community School Corporation ACCEPTABLE USE AND SAFETY POLICY AND GUIDELINES 7540.03 can be found here: and Violations may result in suspension of prvileges, disciplinary action, and/or legal action.
Device camera/image capture hardware may only be used when educationally appropriate and with teacher permission. Camera/image capture hardware may not be used in restroom facilities for any reason.
Password Change/Reset
Passwords can be changed on the Chromebook. If a student forgets their password, they can be reset by notifying the teacher. The teacher will then put in a helpdesk ticket.
G Suite for Education Notice to Parents and Guardians
This notice describes the personal information provided to Google for student accounts and how Google collects, uses, and discloses personal information from students in connection with these accounts.
Using their G Suite for Education accounts, students may access and use the following “Core Services” offered by Google (described at
- Gmail
- Google+
- Calendar
- Chrome Sync
- Classroom
- Cloud Search
- Contacts
- Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms
- Drive
- Groups
- Hangouts, Hangouts Chat, Hangouts Meet, Google Talk
- Jamboard
- Keep
- Sites
- Vault
In addition, we also allow students to access certain other Google services with their G Suite for Education accounts. Specifically, your child may have access to the following “Additional Services”:
- App Maker
- Blogger
- Chrome Management
- Chrome Web Store
- FeedBurner
- Fusion Tables
- Google Alerts
- Google Bookmarks
- Google Books
- Google Chrome Sync
- Google Custom Search
- Google Developers Console
- Google Earth
- Google Finance
- Google Maps
- My Maps
- News
- Photos
- Play
- Google Public Data
- Scholar
- Takeout
- Translator
- Voice
- Youtube
Google provides information about the information it collects, as well as how it uses and discloses the information it collects from G Suite for Education accounts in its G Suite for Education Privacy Notice. You can read that notice online at You should review this information in its entirety, but below are answers to some common questions:
What personal information does Google collect?
When creating a student account, Google is provided with certain personal information about the student, including, name, email address, student id and password. Google may also collect personal information directly from students, such as telephone number for account recovery or a profile photo added to the G Suite for Education account.
When a student uses Google services, Google also collects information based on the use of those services. This includes:
- device information, such as the hardware model, operating system version, unique device identifiers, and mobile network information including phone number;
- log information, including details of how a user used Google services, device event information, and the user's Internet protocol (IP) address;
- location information, as determined by various technologies including IP address, GPS, and other sensors;
- unique application numbers, such as application version number; and
- cookies or similar technologies which are used to collect and store information about a browser or device, such as preferred language and other settings.
How does Google use this information?
In G Suite for Education Core Services, Google uses student personal information to provide, maintain, and protect the services. Google does not serve ads in the Core Services or use personal information collected in the Core Services for advertising purposes.
In Google Additional Services, Google uses the information collected from all Additional Services to provide, maintain, protect and improve them, to develop new ones, and to protect Google and its users. Google may also use this information to offer tailored content, such as more relevant search results. Google may combine personal information from one service with information, including personal information, from other Google services.
Does Google use student personal information for users in K-12 schools to target advertising?
No. For G Suite for Education users in primary and secondary (K-12) schools, Google does not use any user personal information (or any information associated with an G Suite for Education Account) to target ads, whether in Core Services or in other Additional Services accessed while using an G Suite for Education account.
Can my child share information with others using the G Suite for Education account?
SBCSC may allow students to access Google services such as Google Docs and Sites, which include features where users can share information with others or publicly. When users share information publicly, it may be indexable by search engines, including Google.
K-5 SBCSC Student Account Access Profile:
- No access to email.
- Can only share files (Google Apps) with teachers in the SBCSC domain and other students in the SBCSC domain
6-8 SBCSC Student Account Access Profile:
- Limited access to email. Student can send and receive emails to staff and other students.
- Can only share files (Google Apps) with teachers in the SBCSC domain and other students in the SBCSC domain
9-12 SBCSC Student Account Access Profile:
- Can share files (Google Apps) with staff and students in and out of the SBCSC Domain
- Full access to Gmail, within and outside of SBCSC domain
Will Google disclose my child’s personal information?
Google will not share personal information with companies, organizations and individuals outside of Google unless one of the following circumstances applies:
- With parental or guardian consent. Google will share personal information with companies, organizations or individuals outside of Google when it has parents’ consent (for users below the age of consent), which may be obtained through G Suite for Education schools.
- With South Bend Community School Corporation. G Suite for Education accounts, because they are school-managed accounts, give SBCSC administrators access to information stored in them.
- For external processing. Google may provide personal information to affiliates or other trusted businesses or persons to process it for Google, based on Google’s instructions and in compliance with the G Suite for Education privacy notice and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures.
- For legal reasons. Google will share personal information with companies, organizations or individuals outside of Google if it has a good-faith belief that access, use, preservation or disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary to:
- meet any applicable law, regulation, legal process or enforceable governmental request.
- enforce applicable Terms of Service, including investigation of potential violations.
- detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues.
- protect against harm to the rights, property or safety of Google, Google users or the public as required or permitted by law.
Google also shares non-personal information -- such as trends about the use of its services -- publicly and with its partners.
What if I have more questions or would like to read further?
If you want to learn more about how Google collects, uses, and discloses personal information to provide services to us, please review the G Suite for Education Privacy Center(at, the G Suite for Education Privacy Notice (at, and the Google Privacy Policy (at
The Core G Suite for Education services are provided to us under Google’s Apps for Education agreement (at
Updates to Technology Handbook
SBCSC may update this Technology Handbook from time to time. You can view the most current version at Students and parents will be notified when the Technology Handbook is updated and are responsible for complying with any updates.
Agreement to Guidelines
Parent notification and agreement to the guidelines contained in this document will be collected via the google form at this link: