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21st Century Scholars

Does the thought of paying for college seem impossible to you and your family? Indiana's 21st Century Scholars Program can help by covering as much as four years of paid tuition at an eligible Indiana two-year or four-year college or university.

Thousands of students throughout Indiana are 21st Century Scholars. As soon as you enter 7th- or 8th-grade, you are eligible to enroll in the 21st Century Scholars program. The last day to apply is June 30th of your 8th grade year. 

Once you have been admitted into the program, you will need to complete the Scholar Success Program by creating a Scholar Track account.

This account is how you’ll complete your required activities for each year in high school. For tips to help you stay on track for success in high school, visit Indiana Commission on Higher Education’s page at

Contact your school counselor or the 21st Century Scholar Recruiter for more information or for assistance with the application process. 


Roberto Leal

Twenty-first Century Scholar Recruiter (hablo español)

Focus Middle Schools: 

Clay International Academy, Dickinson Fine Arts, Edison Middle School, Jackson Middle School, Jefferson Traditional School, LaSalle Academy, Navarre Middle School, and South Bend Virtual School.

Focus High Schools: 

Adams High School, Clay High School, Riley High School, Rise Up Academy, Washington High School, and South Bend Virtual School. 

The 21st Century Scholars Program is a tuition assistance program for the state of Indiana.

Eligible families with 7th or 8th grade students can apply online or with their school counselors. The program offers high school assistance in the form of the Scholar Success Program. Upon completion of the program and maintaining satisfactory high school credentials, students can receive up to four years of tuition and other mandatory fees paid for at participating Indiana colleges or universities.

The deadline to apply is June 30th of the student's 8th grade year. Families are encouraged to attend our, district-wide, 21st Century Scholar Nights to learn more about the program, participate in various educational activities such as college and career fairs, as well as receive assistance with the application process.

Please contact your school's counselor or the 21st Century Scholar Recruiter for more information.