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Title IX

General Reporting Statement and Title IX Coordinator

The Title IX Coordinator for South Bend Community School Corporation is Dr. Tessa Sutton. Questions regarding gender discrimination or sexual misconduct should be directed to (574) 393-6002.

  1. Title IX is part of the Education Amendments of 1972. This federal law bars sex-based discrimination in programs or activities that receive federal funding. Sexual harassment is included in the definition of discrimination. Discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and retaliation are prohibited conduct. 

  2. Complaints or reports alleging sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, stalking, or gender discrimination, including sexual orientation or gender identity, involving an SBCSC student, employee, or person affiliated with SBCSC should be immediately reported to the Title IX Coordinator at 

  3. A copy of School Board Policy 2266, with information about filing a Title IX complaint, can be found here:

Complaints or reports may be made anonymously, and no disciplinary action will be taken against an alleged aggressor solely on the basis of a report. 

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LGBTQIA+ Education and Conversation 

September 25, 2023

Click THIS LINK to view the video 

PASSCODE: 2oT5=q.* 

Types of Sexual Harassment

Title IX Coordinator Training: Kendra Key

Provided by Church Church Hittle and Antrim, in partnership with Central Indiana Education Services Center:

  • CCHA title IX Training, 7/2020: information for coordinators, investigators, and decision makers regarding definitions, scope, and other aspects of regulations

  •  Title IX Training for Investigators and Decision Makers, 5/2021: in-depth information regarding new regulations for coordinators, investigators, and decision makers.

  • Title IX Training for Reporters, 5/2021: general information for anyone in the school district addressing basic Title IX information and new regulations. 

Title IX Coordinator Training: Dr. Tessa Sutton

Provided by the Association of Title IX Administrators  

  • Preparing Your K-12 School or District for the 2023 Title IX Regulations - February 2023: The highlights included a detailed review of procedural and substantive elements that K-12 schools and districts will need to get ready to implement OCR’s new Title IX regulations in 2023.

  • K-12 Coordinator one and two: Foundations and Advanced Training- February 2023: This course focused on K-12 administrators, providing a strong foundation to understand their school or district’s Title IX obligations.

K-12 Investigator One and Two: Foundations and Advanced Training: The course focused on investigating Title IX cases and knowledge to conduct sex- and gender-based misconduct investigations in schools. This training meets the required training mandates under the 2020 Title IX regulations -February 2023

Required Training

Compliance and Coordinator Training

Training Document

Title IX Training for Posting