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School Board

Board meetings are held on the first and third Mondays at 5:30 p.m. on the third floor of the Administration Building, 215 S. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., unless otherwise noted.

You can watch the School Board meeting live, here

Members of the Board of School Trustees are elected for four years. Five members are elected by voting district, and two are at-large. The board is responsible for the approval of purchases, contracts, curriculum adoptions, budgets and appropriations; and makes policy in open public session.

When required, the board convenes in a closed session. By authority of Indiana law, the board may convene in executive or closed session for discussion of collective bargaining; purchase or lease of real property; possible litigation; appointment, employment or dismissal of employees; student discipline cases; and matters related to students in special education programs.

Formal action on those matters discussed in executive session must be taken in an open public session.

While we practice social distancing, interested individuals may submit comments for upcoming board meetings at these email addresses: or

There are two opportunities for public participation at regular meetings of the Board of School Trustees:

  1. Hearing of Visitors: Action Agenda Items
  2. Hearing of Visitors: Other Items

The purpose is for the School Board to seek input from the public. The School Board does not respond to questions posed during the Hearing of Visitors.

The Hearing of Visitors: Action Agenda Items

Takes place at the beginning of the meeting, after the adoption of the agenda and prior to any votes on action items. Visitors wishing to address the Board on action agenda items (items which will be voted on) must sign the registration sheet prior to the meeting and state the action agenda item(s) which they will address. During the Hearing of Visitors: Action Agenda Items, the Board Secretary will call the speakers to the podium in the order in which they have registered. A time limit of three minutes shall be enforced for all speakers. Speakers shall properly identify themselves after they approach the podium by stating their name and address for the record. Individuals may speak only once during this section of the agenda. Personnel issues are not to be addressed during open sessions of the School Board. All statements shall be directed to the Board President, not to individual Board members. The Board President may interrupt, warn, or terminate a person’s statement if the statement becomes personally directed, abusive or obscene.

The Hearing of Visitors: Other Items

Takes place at the conclusion of the meeting, after the action agenda and is limited to 45 minutes. Anyone wishing to address the Board is invited to approach the podium. A time limit of three minutes shall be enforced for all speakers. Speakers shall properly identify themselves by stating their name and address for the record. Individuals may speak only once during this section of the agenda. Personnel issues are not to be addressed during open sessions of the School Board. The Board President may interrupt, warn, or terminate a person’s statement if the statement becomes personally directed, abusive or obscene.